Sunday, December 26, 2010

Vouge Horoscope 2011

ARIETE - Jupiter and Uranus make you surpass yourselves. They set you limits so that you may go beyond them and also offer a number of tempting opportunities for leaps of quality. On the other hand, Pluto and Saturn are in a less gentle aspect; they advise you not to lose your clear-headed rational vision so you don't make mistakes or create confused maelstroms. You'll walk well-orientated, with a straight back. But you'll also have to paddle a canoe against the current. Love: passions will blaze up: it'll be a problem keeping the flames under control. Rating: 6,5

TORO - Stable, solid progress; secure centre of gravity. Nothing uncertain or vague will influence your Ego. It has a clear view of reality, which will translate into concrete actions and results. The fact that there's not the smallest negative passage of slow planets is excellent news. Love won't be a purely imagined flight of idiotic cherubs. You'll astonish everyone, you'll be admired. But you won't be distracted; you'll be like an unsinkable ship that follows the compass. Jupiter promises lots of success from June onwards. Rating: 7,5

GEMELLI - Everything gets smoother and loses its sharp corners. Romantic syntax is sweet. A nervous approach turns into simple common sense. A combination of unique planets will lead you out of the empty, confused climate you've suffered in recent years. A change of air. You're the luckiest sign. You can abandon cerebral excesses in favor of a fresh, unstudied spontaneity. Love: very good. Professional image: ultra-brilliant. Rating: 8,5

CANCRO - If you've been reading here and there that your sign won't be among the luckiest in 2011, it's up to you to improve the situation by understanding the sense of the transit, which is only apparently contrary. You'll observe a certain gentle discipline so Saturn and Jupiter cannot push you outside the boundaries. Modest but effective tenacity, feisty and resilient if it heeds to deep feelings. Listen to yourselves solicitously, bland rhythms, diabolic three-pronged forks that grin fiendishly as they prod. Balance, without outbreaks of energy or giving in to immobility. Rating: 6

LEONE - The year 2011 will be one of the best in recent years. An excellent Uranus trine means energy, new developments and regaining the pride which is ready to taste new dimensions. Jupiter trine immediately gives you the chance of being special: it offers authentic, powerful romantic relationships which will accept even beguiling spiciness with joy. The slobs disappear from view. You are surrounded by quality. And a rigorous Saturn will strengthen your roles with authoritativeness. Rating: 8

VERGINE - You'll stop being attracted by everyday instruments of torture and you'll replace them with natural passion, with a livelier, more spontaneous spirit which will guide everyday life with wisdom. The results will gradually become greater into the second half of the year marked by increasingly visible successes, especially for those born in August who go at full speed thanks to Jupiter trine. A complete change of scene, for the better, compared to the previous year. Rating: 7,5

BILANCIA - You have to accept change, without clinging to old positions. The notion of perfection will try to disappear, but it won't be easy to achieve absolute lightness. A wise, rigorous Saturn keeps your feet firmly on the ground while an urge to fly grows inside. Jupiter puts the brakes on in the first half of the year, ignore it. Just maintain a steady rhythm without chasing the impossible. Don't deny yourselves harmonious changes, this isn't conservation year. Rating: 6

SCORPIONE - It's precisely the things which haven't been completely decoded or explored that fascinate you. When reality shows its clear, obvious face, you lose interest because you want to perceive the mysterious nucleus that moves everything and that everything depends on. You have it in your grasp, you feel it's yours. Powerful engine and muscles of the soul. Pluto gives boldness and courage. There are no bad planets. Only a slower Jupiter in the second half of the year for those born in October. Rating: 7

SAGITTARIO - A fabulous year. A real revolution. Since you enjoy apparently impossible missions, you'll have several to tackle and you'll choose the one - amorous, professional or sports-related - that thrills you the most. The things you do are destined for success, so don't you dare content yourselves with the status quo. The recent struggles will be just a memory. The mission will be accomplished. As for love stories, none of you will feel she's lost the plot, gone astray with uncontrollable urges.  Rating: 8,5

CAPRICORNO - Great willpower. As always. You're not used to getting free gifts, manna from heaven, luck served on a plate. You work for your success. Battling on, proceeding with method and steadfastness, without whims or continual ups and downs. You must be serious and concentrated in 2011, too. Saturn and Jupiter don't trace easy descents. However, you're also allowed moments of play and gossip. Be lighter, not so rigorous. Rating: 6,5

AQUARIO - Get out of any kind of enclosure. Now. If you don't, the stars will anyway do it for you. Your ears are used to the sound of pleasant sociality, they won't heed the same old drowsy tunes. You'll hear bright sounds again, for special music, some of which you've never heard before. Sounds of love. Of passion with no coolness. Jupiter conducts a lucky orchestra. Uranus will push it towards bold experimentation. Saturn in trine won't get a note wrong. Rating: 7,5

PESCI - Cast off any shadow of fear, shyness, hesitant steps. Not only is the dream still alive but this year it is renewed, it wins territory and invades every dimension of reality. No bad transits, not even a tiny one. You can indulge yourselves with risk-taking. Especially amorous risk no longer restrained by prudence. Your delicate soul will show surprising power. Along a path between tapestries and porcelain vases, feelings of love awaken to age-old sensations. Passion won't argue with reason. Rating: 8

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